Business category 1 Grain
City ( of main office ) Leeds, GB, United Kingdom
Address Park Row
Phones 44-754-5813774
Fax 44
Web site www.mercosafra.com.br
About The MERCOSAFRA COMERCIAL EXPORTADORA LTDA., founded in 1992 in Brazil and MERCOSAFRA PORTUGAL LDA, founded in 2009 in Portugal, operates in the Import and Export of grains, meat and other agricultural products agribusiness. The Company is managed by a professional team, providing solutions for manufacturers, industries, importers and exporters of globalized markets. The objective and standard policy at Mercosafra is offer the better deal with a vision of establish a long-term valued supply chain. In the effort to expedite the requirements of its customers, Mercosafra has a Global Vision and sources products internationally, from various developed and developing regions.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10