Business category 1 | Plant Extract |
City ( of main office ) | Kazanlŭk, BG, Bulgaria |
Address | 23 Trakia Str. |
Phones | 359-431-85425 |
Fax | 359-431-85425 |
Web site |, |
About | MAYA Ltd. is established in 1989 and it is a private company owned and managed by Dr. of med Dimitrina Yonkova. Since 1997 have a new name MAYA DY Co. Ltd., The company produces and trades with: E S S E N T I A L O I L S: Kazanlak Rose Oil , Peppermint Oil , Lavender Oil , Hyssop Oil, Zdravetz Oil , Chamomile Oil , Salvia Oil , Basil Oil. HEALING AROMATIC WATERS Liquid additives to Food MAYA Rose water, Peppermint water, Chamomile water, Zdravetz water, Lavender water, Linden water etc. ETEREA Medicine cosmetic series of essential oils: Food supplements (gelatins pearls / capsules / 200 mg), pearls for massage (gelatins) , water extract from herbs. SOUVENIRS: 100 % pure essential oils, Rose water in hand made painted unique bottles. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |