Business category 1 | Natural Crafts |
City ( of main office ) | Macapá, BR, Brazil |
Address | Rua Gal. Rondon,422, Laguinho |
Phones | 55-96-3225 2727 |
Fax | 55-96-3225 2727 |
Web site | |
About | Macomex is the oldest and the largest foreign trade bureau in Macapa, Amapa (West Amazon), Brazil, since 1994. Its CEO, Mr. Nonato Oliveira, is also a farmer. He decided to search what was the water buffalo horn use in the world in order to give it a noble application. It was this way he began a new job in Macomex: natural jewelry or biojewelry maden of amazonian buffalo horn and other natural raw materials. It is really a new purpose: long life natural jewels maden of materials coming from the forest by local craftmen. The result are exotic pieces that incorporate social and echologic compromise. You can enjoy this amazonian beauty unique jewels! JEWELRY OF AMAZON The world finally discovered the charm and exotism of the typically Brazilian jewels, especially those maden in Amazon. And the explanation for this can easily be detected in the pieces produced in states of the region, in the combination of metal, precious and semi-precious stones, raw materials coming from the forest, as seeds, straw, fruit shells, turtle shells, fish scales, buffalo horn, wood, clay, etc. This richness of contrasts has already gained its space in the rigorous international jewelry market. The creativity and hand finishing guarantee that each piece is unique. Far from the rigidity of the traditional European schools, Amazonian designers have more freedom to create and develop their new techniques. This discovery is due to the fact that the world is more receptive to the new, to the different, to the exotic, to the socially just and ecologically correct, looking for something that runs away from the standardization caused by the globalization, that makes everything alike. Jewels of the Amazon can already be found in big jewelry shops in Brazil or abroad, revealing the new trend in the consumption world of the luxury, that now looks for inspiration in distant and still authentic cultures, rich in thematic, iconography and which have much history to tell. Moreover, the jewelry of Amazon count on one of the most recognized trademark in the world: Amazon! ]------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Jewels are the result of a recent research on water buffalo horn utilization, combined with silver, gold and other natural raw materials like bone, wood and seeds. As a natural polymer (keratin), buffalo horn is a long life material. It is black, but some times it may present some variant colors, that only increases its natural beauty. Water buffalo is not African buffalo. The animals are not killed for their horns. What we and our amazonian craftmen do is just to give a nobel aplication to it, our black Ivory. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |