Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Arnhem, NL, Netherlands
Address Bruinissestraat 16
Phones 31-26-3895619
Fax 31-26-3891176
Web site www.macfarlane.nl
About MACFARLANE Consultancy BV provides the following business consultancy services: international business promotion for SME's, international business brokerage and tourism and marketing consultancy. .

Specific expertise in following business sectors w. r. t international business promotion:

McFC has acquired extensive experience with business matching activities in a variety of industry sectors both in Latin-America as well as in Africa. Numerous Dutch companies-through these efforts-managed to meet with counterparts in the mentioned emerging markets.

We have also performed these activities within the framework of the following EUROPEAID programmes: AL-INVEST (for Latin-American companies) , ESIPP (for companies in SADC countries) , and PROINVEST (for companies in ACP countries) . In Latin America it concerns experience in a variety of business sectors including a / o agriculture, and agribusiness, ICT, medical instruments, fruits and vegetables, environment-and waste management, beverage technology, just to mention a few. In Africa it concerns, besides the travel and tourism industry, including the hospitality sector, also the fruits and vegetable sector

McFC is involved in international business brokerage, working with buyers and sellers throughout the world. Its principal is also a Certified Business Intermediary designated by the International Bsiness Brokers Association in Chicago.

McFC offers consultancy and management services in the areas of tourism and marketing for organizations in the profit and non-profit sector as well as governmental entities and institutions both domestically and on an international level. Among other things it owns and manages the portal WWW. gateway2africa. nl aimed to promote African businesses in the tourism sector in Europe.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10