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Lorenzo J. Amaya E Hijos S.A.

Business category 1 Fowl & Livestock
City ( of main office ) Buenos Aires, AR, Argentina
Address Mexico 4851
Phones 54-11-47092273
Fax 54-11-47090992
Web site aluve.tk
About We are international traders of Goat & Lamb meat from Argentina, owners of a processing plant based in Buenos Aires Federal Capital of Argentina. Our experience in international markets includes the African and Caribbean ones, since 2001. Lorenzo J. Amaya E Hijos S. A. is direct buyer in many provinces of our country, and then animals are slaughtered in its corresponding slaughter house of the province in which they are produced. Finishing with slaughter process production is brought to our processing plant located in Bs. As. And here starts the process of cutting up carcasses, freezing & packaging. Finishing with all these process goods are consolidated in containers in the processing plant door (custom address) .

Our main business started in 1983, we are wholesalers of farm products including export products to the best supermarkets, restaurants & hotels of Argentina. All our business is controlled by our Argentine Health Department (named S. E. N. A. S. A) , which demands us to have inside of our plant an inspector sent by them, permanently.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10