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Lefteris Natural skin care

Business category 1 Skin Care
City ( of main office ) Sydney, AU, Australia
Address Po Box 575, Sans Souci
Phones 61-02-95934949
Fax 61-02-95934949
Web site lefterisnatural.com
About Lefteris natural is the ultimate in skin care for today's scrupulous market. Inspired by history; Mediterranean culture; truth; simplicity; duty of care and surprisingly-inspired by the little known Australian Kakadu Plum.

Creator and formulator Lefteris Xanthos discovered his essential ingredient-the Kakadu Plum-after and exhaustive world wide search for natural ingredients that would truly work and live up to the claims he wanted to make for his brand's debut range. He found his miracle in our own back yard. Sydney University's Human Nutrition Unit suggests the Kakadu Plum contains record levels of natural vitamin C-one of natures most potent anti oxidants. Say ggod bye to free radicals and say hello to extra ordinary skin.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10