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Lambread Ltd

Business category 1 Fertilizer
City ( of main office ) Birmingham, GB, United Kingdom
Address 4 Rodborough Road Sheldon
Phones 44-0121-743 3443
Fax 44-0121-743 3443
About Lambread Ltd was established in August 2006 to research and develop a market in the UK for low carbon, (LC) carbon capture, (CC) products and services.

Having found Hemp has the widest range of LC. CC. products available in the global market place, we plan to be opening a retail / wholesale outlet in the City of Birmingham, ASAP.


The development of the hemp industry internationally is seen by the Directors of lambread ltd of paramount importance to the development of the LC. CC. global economy.

Hemp as a natural resource, is in direct competition with all fossil products, all wood pulp products and chemical sprayed, cancer causing, soil depleting cotton products.

The continued use of these products carries an enormous carbon footprint, the production and processing of these resources need to be minimized and the use of hemp as a resource needs to be maximized.

A continued growth in the hemp industry will be a tool in helping to stabilize the effects of global warming as more and more businesses and individual people turn away from environmentally damaging products and turn to the low and more often than not negative carbon footprint of hemp products.

Failure to turn away from high carbon footprint products will see our planets climatic conditions worsening to the extent of them becoming catastrophic, not only to all businesses, but also to our global civilization as we know it.

The Directors of lambread ltd can only request all manufacturers of LC. CC. hemp products work with us in bringing your products to the attention of the public in the UK.

We will therefore be blatantly up front and honest with all hemp manufacturers and say we are seeking at this moment in time, more often than not, one off samples for exhibition purposes. We will also pay for small quantities of samples along with delivery costs.

Lambread ltd looks forward to developing a long a fruitful business relationship with as many hemp product manufacturers as possible. Please make contact with me in order to discuss all options in the development of the hemp industry in the UK.

Colin Preece
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10