Business category 1 | Fertilizer |
City ( of main office ) | Tokyo, JP, Japan |
Address | 12-11, Oeda Nishi Machi, |
Phones | 81-6-69930712 |
Fax | 81-66997-2598 |
Web site | |
About | Libra Japan corporation is a comprehensive private enterprise, having global trade network, so called, libra group in different countries. We are looking to expand our associate network in all countries to source, supply, export, import, distribute including market research of almost any products from small consumer products to heavy industrial plant, including new material for industrial and consumer use, and high technological products and equipment for global market. Our objective To establish worldwide business associates through global business communication network. Develop business partners, business associates for representation and local agent, deal with machinery, plant and equipment, food stuff, consumer goods, Gift & premium products, industrial raw materials etc. Supply to our various clients around the world. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |