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Kernel - Trade

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Kiev, UA, Ukraine
Address Nemirovicha-danchenko 16
Phones 38-044-4618806
Fax 38-044-4618866
Web site www.kernel.ua
About Kernel Group is a large and stable operator in the grain and oil-bearing crops market of Ukraine and CIS countries. It consists of the following companies:

- Poltava Crushing Plant;

- Streletskaya Step (Strelets Steppe), a refined-oil plant in Melovoye;

- Kerrnel-Trade, with representative offices throughout Ukraine;

- Kernel-Vostok (Kernel-East), located in Moscow ;

- 27 grain elevator enterprises in Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Kirovograd, Lugansk, Nikolaev, Odessa and Cherkassy Regions (overall storage capacity - 1.6 million tons);

- 3 haulage companies in Poltava and Lugansk Regions;

- 5 agroindustrial enterprises in Poltava, Odessa and Cherkassy Regions;

- Inerco, which operates on the international market;

- Kernel-Kapital, which operates on the equity market.

Shchedriy Dar is the Group's brand.

Shedriy Dar Sunflower Oil is remarkable for its high vitamin content and purity. The unique sunflower seed extraction process enables the resulting pressed oil to preserve most of the original content of its useful substances, especially natural vitamin E and pro-vitamin A.

The deep purification of the pressed oil is achieved by refining, vinterization and deodorization methods which allow oxidization agents, as well as other impurities to be expelled.

It is one of the three leading brands in the country operating nationwide.

Quality is guaranteed (the oil is produced at a Ukrainian plant that has its own raw material stock), certificate ISO 9001-2001; the oil has a long shelf life, usual storage conditions.

Products range is designed to satisfy the needs of the final consumer.

Active advertising campaign on national television, featured in the mass media, promotional/advertising materials in retail outlets, discount offers.

Competitive services for retail outlets:

- delivery to each retail outlet through distributors;

- provision of complete documentation - Quality Certificate, Waybills;

- transparent pricing policy (flexible prices for different segments, work with recommended prices);

- qualified personnel that deal with retail outlets at local level;

- reliable distribution network at regional level.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10