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Kamaraj Integrated Farms

Business category 1 Fresh Food
City ( of main office ) Bhubaneshwar, IN, India
Address A, 15, N. G. O. A Colony, Tirunelveli
Phones 91-422-9842152445
Fax 91
Web site fatfreerabbits.com
About We are the biggest rabbit farm in Tamil Nadu. Available rabbit meat. Farm having 1000 breeder at present .we expand to 2500 breeder with in few months & selling rabbit meat enter the local market from March onwards & in the distribution activities. All rabbits are individually monitored under special care. We produce 5 tons per month in a hygienic manner and despatching the rabbits at their proper stage. Welcome to Business associates. Minimum eligibility who is having 3 acres land ( Land is must because with out land can not produce the food for rabbits. Rabbit food is 80 % Gross & 20 % Mixed food.) willing to invest 50000 thousands. Rs.25000 for 100 rabbits and Rs.25000 for agriculture and shed . Three years contract we supply 100 breeder rabbits at the rate of Rs.25,000 ( 80 female & 20 Male with koondu ). Our estimate 80 female rabbits breeds average 5 rabbits every 50 days . Total 80 breeders * 5 rabbits = 400 rabbits . with in 90 days 400 rabbits * 2 kg = 800 kgs .we buy the rabbits after 90 days per kg Rs.75 * 800kg = Rs.60,000 . Expenses 20,000 ( Medicine & mixed food). Every 50 days you get Rs.40,000 profit.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10