Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Ashikaga, JP, Japan
Address 726-30 Fukutomi-shinmachi
Phones 81-284-714315
Web site www.kikuchigear.co.jp
About Through the developing and manufacturing for cogwheels and products related of cogwheel.
we'll manage the environment under the below contents and strive to prevent environmental pollution and continuous improvement in compliance with environmental regulations.
We'll understand the environmental impact by our activities accurately, and clarify the agreements and other legal requirements of environmental regulations, we'll strict other requirements of environmental legislation and agreements
We'll provide the environmental management plan objectives for extent technically and economically possible, we'll continuously improve the performance and environmental management systems.
Concerning the environmental impact of business activities, the below contents are main themes of environmental management.
We'll promote 3R(Reduce;Reuse;Recycle) and reduce wastes as minimum as possible.
We'll promote measures for Oil mist.
We'll promote to conserve resources and energy, and contribute for prevention the grovel warming.
(Join for team minus 6% )
We'll do internal audit and review regularly, and improve the environmental management systems.
All employees keep the environmental awareness mind, we'll inform this policy and maintain for achieving this environmental Policy.
We'll disclose the our environmental policy for ordinary people.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10