Business category 1 | Fertilizer |
City ( of main office ) | Moscow, RU, Russia |
Address | Volhonka Str. , 3\4, office 68 B |
Phones | 7-985-1631641 |
Fax | 7 |
Web site | www.kalenika.com |
About | Dear Partners and Friends! We have the great honour to introduce you our company, KALENIKA Group, which was established in 2004. During the last 5 years, our basic concern was to find some useful and unique products, the real "Miracles", which could be profitable and beneficial for all countries and for all people. Finally, we have found them! We really hope, that we are able to offer you a very prospective business. And we are sure, it will be beneficial for both of us! FlorHumate - we produce highly concentrated organo-mineral liquid complex fertilizer made of completely natural raw material-lake Sapropel (more than 10. 000 years old dark-coloured sediments at the bottom of a lake, that are very rich in organic matter, humic-, fulvic-and amino-acids, vitamins, and macro-and micro-nutrients). Our patented technology allows our scientist to produce very effective, completely natural, ecologically clean, environmentally friendly and cheap fertilizers on the basis of Sapropel extract. 10 years of successful laboratory and field tests and 5 years of effective sales give us the right to proudly say: Our fertilizer with spruce extract is our best fertilizer! Turboexpander - non-polluting, ozon-friendly, mobile refrigerating machine in which a coolant is atmospheric air. Temperatures from -30C to -120C, 17 kWh. This freezing machine is using only air and electricity, no freon, no azote. Dihydroquercetin, or it has international name Taxifolin. This substance is extracted from the roots of Siberian larch-tree (Larix Sibirica L and Larix Daurica T), and it is the most powerful unique natural substance, so required for human organism. |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 22:10 |