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Juan Roqueta e Hijos

Business category 1 Seafood
City ( of main office ) Barcelona, ES, Spain
Address c / . Longitudinal 8, No. 11
Phones 34-93-3361205
Fax 34-93-3354136
Web site www.roquetafish.com
About Juan Roqueta e Hijos s.a. is based in the main fish market in Barcelona, Spain, the "Mercat del Peix". Here we own and operate seven stands, as well as a fish processing factory, and a cold storage facility, which includes an 80 metric ton, ultra low temperature, -60 Celsius, storage unit.
We also have vested interests in fishing vessels operating in the unpolluted pristine seas of South Africa, thereby insuring us a constant supply of fresh chilled hake, approximately 30 to 60 metric tons per week, flown to Europe by air.
All told, Roqueta is one of the biggest distributors of both national and imported fresh fish in Spain, selling around 60 metric tons of fresh fish per day.
Apart from our fresh fish operation, we also specialize in ULT (Ultra Low Temperature) -60 degree Centigrade, yellowfin (thunnus albacares) and bigeye (thunnus obesus). This tuna is blast frozen at sea to -60 C on board the fishing vessels, immediately after being caught, and maintained at -60 C until it is finally defrosted for consumption in many of the better sashimi restaurants in Spain.
Calamari, hand jigged, finger laid and blast frozen on board the fishing boats, is another of our specialities. This product, loligo renaldii, is imported from South Africa, and is considered one of the top calamari species in the world.
Although based in Barcelona, Roqueta has expanded it's distribution network throughout Spain, where we supply a large number of choice customers. We also have a permanent sales office in Vigo.
Please feel free to contact me, Tony Baynes,or to my mobile number +34(607)301875.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10