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Jamric Trading Ltd

Business category 1 Metal Scrap
City ( of main office ) London, GB, United Kingdom
Address 95 Wilton Road
Phones 44-845-527 6587
Fax 44-845-020 4259
Web site www.moodley.org
About Business activities JAMRIC TRADING LTD


This activity will be based upon exchanges between France & The Indian Sub-Continent. We shall export from, specialised local products, such as wines, cheeses, cosmetics, perfumes and other such similar "luxury" items. From the ISC, we shall look to import, ladies shoes, and clothes, Indian handicrafts and a range of Indian made marble tables.


We shall work alongside French companies who want to outsource a part or all of their production. We shall assist and advise on manufacturing companies and methods to be used during this process. Most foreign buyers who intend to do business in Asia lack the resources and experience in regards to locating suppliers and understanding specific culture. Through our partners, we can assist

Customers to find Asian suppliers that are not yet listed on any trade and export database.


Overall, the scrap industry processes more than 145 million tons of recyclable material each year into raw material feedstock for industrial manufacturing around the world. The industry contributed $65 billion in 2006 and is one of the few contributing positively to the U. S. balance of trade, exporting $15. 7 billion in scrap commodities in 2006. Scrap recycling also helps reduce greenhouse gas

Emissions and conserves energy and natural resources. For example, scrap recycling diverts 145 million tons of materials away from landfills. Recycled scrap is a raw material feedstock for 2 out of 3 pounds of steel made in the U. S., for 60% of the metals and alloys produced in the U. S., for more than 50% of the U. S. paper industry's needs, and for 33% of U. S. aluminum. Recycled scrap helps

Keep air and water cleaner by removing potentially hazardous materials and keeping them out of landfills.

This activity wil be based in the Scrap metal business, and operates on a global basis. As agents, we have many contacts both buyers and sellers working from the USA to the Far East. Our mission is to act as an advising agent and bring both buyers and sellers together.


Two common themes between these three activities are logistics and project management. Each activity requires logistics and we have over thirty years of logistics know how between us. We have identified in a lot of different cases, that a lack of clear management and a full understanding of processes between actors, can very often lead to deals not been done. . . For the wrong reasons.

We will clearly lay out the whole process in each activity, fully explaining the needs and requirements of each party, so as to increase our chances of doing the final deal.

Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10