Business category 1 Fresh Meat & Poultry
City ( of main office ) Augusta, US, United States
Address 4208 Match Point Drive
Phones 1-706-863-2881
Fax 1-706-863 2973
About THE JO-AL COMPANIES INTERNATIONAL, U. S. A.-Africa has designed an innovative and personal approach to create a competitive edge to enhance the company ability to provide efficient and cost effective representation to clients.
JO-ALCO understands how to work within the guidelines of the countries where involved, this has won the respect of leaders in government, private sector, religious and educational communities. Because of this philosophy the doors are open to those very leaders TODAY!
An international network of influence and decision-makers across the African continent has come as the result of time, experience, and patience. A commitment to DO IT RIGHT has given us the competitive edge we need. For more than 20 years JO-ALCO has represented major international companies in telecommunications, industrial fishing, hotel and tourism, import / export trade, marketing and distribution, management and education consulting and investment.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10