Business category 1 | Lighters & Smoking Accessories |
City ( of main office ) | Las Vegas, US, United States |
Address | 3603 N. Las Vegas Blvd. , Suite @ 121 |
Phones | 1-702-643-0339 |
Fax | 1-702-643-1929 |
Web site | www.jkeventpromotions.net |
About | We are a promotions organization specializing in cultural events, concerts, shows and bringing international performers or artists to Las Vegas for performances. All forms of music, dance, entertainment or exhibition events are designed and produced to captivate our public audiance. Being service oriented, we are concerned with meeting the needs of our clientel, generating maximum profit return while ensuring customer satisfaction by excellent and exciting entertainment at affordable prices. The various demographics of clientel depends on the artist (s) , event or entertainment in which we promote. However, it is these events which best serves our sponsors and vendors because an average street fair generates 90,000 people / spectators. This is an excellent opportunity to promote or represent merchandise, products or make business contacts. As a service, for as little as $1,000.00 (per 5, 000) we retain models to distribute advertisements, coupons or product information during the events directly to the general public for sponsor exposure. Merchants must provide literature. We also welcome joint-ventures, investors, world-wide sponsors & sponsorship and the net-workings with other promoters and managers. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 10:10 |