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J. J. Engineering

Business category 1 Material Handling Equipment
City ( of main office ) New Delhi, IN, India
Address Zone : E-7, K-1,400/4 To 7, G. I. D. C. Estate
Phones 91-2692-235810
Fax 91-2692-237471
About We would like to associate with your esteem organization, which is the Leader Company in technology and globally reputed, as a vendor for manufacturers of various types of heavy precision machinery and its parts

We can manufacture and supply of following components to your organization.

Conveyor Pulley, Tail Pulley, Drive Pulley with Rubber Lagging, Idler Pulley etc.

Cast, Forged and Press Parts as per your requirement or Drawing

Heavy duty forged shafts, Axles and Connecting Rod.

Internals of Gear Boxes

Machined Components for Cranes- Wheel, Bearing Block, Axles etc

Spares for Crushers - Rotor shaft + Bearing Blocks + Hammer

Machined Alloy Steel Castings, C. I. Castings, SG Iron and Non Ferrous Castings etc.

Scrapper and Roll Crusher and Heavy Duty Crusher Parts

Any miscellaneous precision Machined Parts + Dies

We are hopeful that you shall register our firm and would float suitable inquires to us.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10