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Ivany Nguyen Inc

Business category 1 HIPS
City ( of main office ) Toronto, CA, Canada
Address 7 Ingram Drive. Suite 128
Phones 1-888-648936
Fax 1-800-4271103
Web site www.ivanynguyen.com
About Ivany Nguyen is an agricultural company traded over the OTCBB under ticker IVNG in the USA. Ivany Nguyen also trades on the Frankfurt Borse in Germany under trading code: 3296706.F

Our company is committed to becoming a leading agricultural commodity company in South East Asia. With our experienced management team and long-standing relationships with local governments in the region, Ivany Nguyen aims to capitalize on the fast-growing bamboo industry.

We provide Lo-O , Tam Vong, Tre Gai and Mum Bamboo from Vietnam and other parts of South East Asia. We are a reliable partner whom can help build your business with a stable supply of bamboo products. We also trade coffee from Vietnam and have four unique flavours under our own brand.

We are looking to build relationships with buyers from all over the world. We offer the best pricing in our region, learn more today by visiting our website.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10