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Ira Nrg Inc.

Business category 1 Electricity Generation
City ( of main office ) Winnipeg, CA, Canada
Address 4634 Roblin Blvd
Phones 1-202-657-5032
Fax 1-202-657-5032
Web site www.aworldwithoutoil.com
About Ira NRG is poised to become a world leader in advanced gasification technology. Specializing in transforming garbage, sewage sludge, dirty coal, and a variety of other biomass fuels into clean, reliable energy, Ira NRG offers a truly unique service. The basis for its success includes, but is not limited to: low capital costs, superior production of syngas and energy conversion, and negligible environmental emissions.
Competing in the environment industries, the principal services we provide currently include the following:
1. Energy, that includes the production and sale of electrical energy utilizing biomass waste.
2. Waste Management, which relates to the waste handling, fuel preparation, and conversion into a synthetic gas. The types of biomass waste that Ira NRG can convert into fuel are almost limitless; however Ira NRG will initially focus on the treatment of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge.
3. Water Purification, the use of excess heat from the gasification units to produce freshwater from polluted streams and rivers and salt water by flash evaporation of the water under vacuum.
4. Oxygen Replenishment, the replenishment of oxygen for the world via the utilization of excess energy applications. With a trend towards integration of environmental services, Ira NRG offers a truly platform technology that transforms conventional waste streams into clean, reliable electricity and a host of other useful by products. With the waste management and energy sectors projected to see the highest growth in the environment industry, Ira NRG will offer its customers innovative solutions related to waste management and energy production.
Technology Description
Ira NRG has proprietary industrial-scale downdraft gasification technology has the ability to transform million of tons municipal solid waste (MSW) per year into a clean, combustible gas used for the production of electricity.
The gasification process occurs in a 3-stage process whereby: 1. Pyrolysis occurs as biomass material like coal, MSW, wood waste, etc. Is heated and volatiles are released and char is produced 2. Combustion occurs as volatile products and char react with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, and 3. Gasification occurs as char reacts with carbon dioxide to produce carbon monoxide and hydrogen, flammable gases known as Synthetic gases. These Synthetic gases are the final product in the gasification process and can then be used in an internal combustion engine for electricity generation and the heat used in a variety of commercial applications including cogeneration with steam turbines.
In general terms, the sorted MSW means no metals, hazardous materials and recyclables is received from independent waste management companies at the site location. The MSW is transferred into a receiving hopper then conveyed into industrial size shredding equipment to reduce the material and produce refuse derived fuel or RDF. The gasification unit transforms the RDF into a Synthetic gas which is cleaned through scrubbing equipment. When the project is fully operational the Syngas will be used to fuel internal combustion engines that turn a generator for the production of electricity.
Sewage sludge can also be added as part of the feedstock that could save an average city hundreds of millions of dollars that would otherwise be spent on costly anaerobic digesters. The extreme heat from the gasification process also promotes one hundred percent pathogen and bacteria destruction, whereby under conventional means, chlorine as a disinfectant that would reduce levels of microorganisms.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 11:10