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Impact Training Systems, Inc.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Rancho Cucamonga, US, United States
Address 8722 Lanyard Court
Phones 1-909-946-8369
Fax 1-909-946-8370
Web site www.impacttrainingsystems.com
About The company name was created to reflect the purpose of the products we produce. Impact refers to the manner in which the sensing is performed and the real-life sense of contact. Training refers to the use of our products for training and improving the skills of our customers. Systems refers to the intentional linking of various components to establish integrated training tools.
The original concept for our first product, the HitMaster Personal Trainer, was envisioned in 1998. There was a clear need for professional and amateur athletes alike to have a tool that would assist them in systematically improving their skills and enhancing their training regimen.
After years of research and development, the first functional HitMaster Personal Trainer prototype was created in 2002. Further development was conducted and the complex electronics sensing system was designed. With the addition of the specialized software, the system was completed and the production planning began.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10