IT Solutions Paul Saczawa
Business category 1 | Design Services |
City ( of main office ) | Jaworzno, PL, Poland |
Address | Gliniana 5 / 15 |
Phones | 48-32-7522600 |
Fax | 48-32-7522600 |
Web site | |
About | Initially, the Internet was the only information medium. The increase in the popularity of e-commerce and dynamic development of companies benefiting from the network, is now fully one more, very important function-an excellent, cheap and nearly ubiquitous marketing tool. Thanks to years of business experience, we know what works and what does not work. Our knowledge, experience and best practices put at your disposal. Just as our customers believe that the success of any people to decide. Therefore, it is constantly developing in order to be able at any stage exceed the expectations of our customers. Our personal approach ensures that the solutions offered by our will satisfy the most demanding needs of customers. We believe that business and IT technology always go hand in hand. According to this we provide our clients with these solutions, which provides for a competitive market. We provide e-business solutions in the form of e-shops and online catalogue, positioning google services, optimalization and advertising) . We make every effort to understand how to best meet customer expectations. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 08:10 |