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ISRA-ASIA International Trade Ltd.

Business category 1 Fruit
City ( of main office ) Zagreb, HR, Croatia
Address 9 Beba Idelson ST.
Phones 972-54-784 6 784
Fax 972-54-784 6 784
Web site www.israsia.com
About ISRASIA is an Israeli company, with offices in Belgrade. We represent Medical- Disposable Manufacturers(20 companies), Dairy-Farm Systems, Virtual Studio Systems, Construction and Interior Decoration and Equipment, Software Developers and others.

As an Israel Export Institute member, ISRASIA has large support and assistance in the Israeli Authorities, assigned to promote the export of Invest Capital, Project Engineering Services, Know-How, Turn-Key Projects and Hi-Tech Solusions for the following in particular:

Agriculture- agro-technology, agro-industry and agricultural food processing: Live animal farms, fruit and vegetable plantations, greenhouses, irrigation and filtration systems, agriculture machinery and metal works, turnkey projects and market services, farm computation and management and many more.

Telecommunications- infrastructure, hardware and software: Data communication, cellular/microwave/mobile/radio/satellite communication, software for telecommunication and wireless communication.

Professional Services- innovations and know-how: Environmental technology, healthcare and pharmaceutical services and supplies, research and development, business and economy consulting, training and know how transfer, civil engineering, security, export markets development and more.

We trust you to find excellent solutions to your most urgent needs. We are at your disposal in all fields of business activities, looking forward to ignite your relationship with Israeli companies stepping on the right leg.

ISRASIA supports WTO, UNHCR, GlobeWOM, IEI and a few other International Organizations. We welcome new supporters and contributors to Health& Wealth Organizations.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10