Business category 1 | Steel Pipes |
City ( of main office ) | Copenhagen, DK, Denmark |
Address | Gydevang 39-41 |
Phones | 45-45 -76 99 21 |
Fax | 45-45-769821 |
Web site |; |
About | Integrated Gas Technologies Ltd (IGT) is today a well recognised supplier of CE approved LPG regulators for the European markets as well as a large number of over sea markets. IGT is striving for perfection offering a competitive mix of good product quality-delivery on time-customised products and competitive prices. We try hard to differentiate us from competitors by combining our products with excellent service and flexibility. IGT is a LPG regulator manufacturing company with 80 employees and 6000 m2 factory. IGT has been manufacturing LPG regulators since January 2004. Production capacity is now approaching 10 mill pcs gas regulators per year. IGT has build a strong market position in China. We supply now over 90 gas applaince manufactures in China, most large providers of Gas BBQ, Gas Patio Heaters and Inddoor gas heaters are our customers: IGT also supply a growing number of Gas cooker manufactures. IGT supply as well many smaller import comapnies world wide, big mutinational gas companies and many DIY stores are dealing with us as well. IGT supply LPG regulators into a. o following countries. : China, Vietnam, Phillipines, Indonesia, Thailand, Oman, Abu Dharbi, Jordan, Egypt, Libanon, Dubai, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Malavi, Nigeria, Cameroun, Marocco,Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Peru, Panama, Trinidad, Tyrkey, Norway, Switserland all EU countries in total over 60 countires and we expand our sales net work continously. If your countuy is not mentioned above we can still serve you and should be pleased to hear from you. Our present product range is covering products from 0-6 KG / h capacity. Beside LPG regulators we also manufacture a range of gas torch products and gas hose assemblies. Several DIY chains, and gas companies source those prodcuts from IGT. Each year IGT exhibit on Canton Fair in both april and October, mainly on phase 1. Outside China we exhibit each year on SPOGA, AEGPL (Europe) , WLPGF, and from 2010 also on AIGPL in Soutamerica. IGT is succesful due to our extensive know how, both founders have over 20 yeras engineering expertise with LPG regulators. Due to the high quality we supply we are proud to issue a 5 years warranty on the IGT branded products. IGT also has a product liability insurrance coverage of 2 mill Euro. We hope you will trust us wilt your inquries for LPG regulators and gas torch products. Please ask for prodcut sampels, certification and quotations. we should be pleased to serve you well. Yours sincerely, Tom Lundquist |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |