INNOGO Technologies Incorporated
Business category 1 | Mobile Phones |
City ( of main office ) | Edmonton, CA, Canada |
Address | 100, 18211-114 Ave Nw |
Phones | 1-780-4831131 |
Fax | 1-780-4831161 |
About | Innovative wireless technologies are transforming the way the world lives, works and plays. Wireless and networking products and services continue to take market share from traditional landline options. Mergers, new technologies, rapid growth in some segments - and sharp declines in others. How do you choose the right partner to help you increase your profitability? If you're looking for a company with vast experience in wireless, a broad and diverse product line, powerful value-added services and unparalleled logistics and delivery capabilities, consider innogo. We offer the products, pricing and performance that give you a competitive edge, no matter where you fit on the wireless spectrum. More important than all these marketing and operational capabilities is our focus on the customer. Innogo has a relentless desire to understand your business, so we can provide products and solutions that address your unique needs. Please take a look at how innogo can deliver for you. Innogo is a private, for-profit company |
Date | 2011 Oct 28, 23:10 |