Business category 1 Electrical Instruments
City ( of main office ) Mohali, IN, India
Address plot 367, phase 9, mohali
Phones 91-172-5093784
Fax 91
Web site indoafroindustries.com
About We are humble to introduce our company INDO AFRO INDUSTRIES to your good self with various kind of opportunities.We are one of the leading Manufacturers - Exporters of Deep well Hand Pumps & accessories extensively used in rural and urban areas for potable water. In order to cater to the needs of our modern world we have setup the production plant with the latest technologies.

We performed better because we focused better. In the last one decade, we are not only chasing results alone but also pursuing long term initiatives and actions. This resulted in bettering the serviceability and sharpening the focus on the customer needs. What seemed a period of dynamic challenges and moving targets, was converted as bedrock for the future. We worked on expanding our reach, identifying new opportunities, creating products that meet the unmet needs.

Our pumps conform to the required relevant national and International standards.

We manufacture a wide range of deep well and shallow Hand pumps, which includes the most popular India Mark II, India Mark III, India Mark II extra deep well Hand pumps etc of very high quality. These pumps are manufactured as per the specifications laid by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Besides, Afridev Deepwell Handpump and modified Deep-well Hand pumps are produced as per the specifications laid by SKAT HTN (Switzerland).

IAI is not only managed by professionals with experience in manufacturing rather managed by all directors and staff with practical field experience in different countries especially Africa where these pumps are installed. Here, in this field our company is the only one with this quality of long field experience.

It is a humble contribution to this Noble cause of providing Safe and Potable Drinking Water for everyone by manufacturing quality Hand Pumps. We provide the best quality iron and steel needed to manufacture Handpumps. It is in this crucial area that our contribution lies. The directors of the company have a rich experience in related Market and Industry to procure the best quality raw material.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10