Business category 1 | Alcoholic Beverage |
City ( of main office ) | Madrid, ES, Spain |
Address | 2 America |
Phones | 34-975-230065 |
Fax | 34-975-230065 |
Web site | |
About | We are an export service company specialised in the representation of agroalimentary products for Europe, America, Inida and West Africa . We also work with distributors located all over the globe for specific products such as wine, fruits juces, evaporated milk, olive oil, etc. As we are always trying to find the best prices for our clients. Our main ranges of products are canned food in general, vegetables, meat and fish. Wine bottles, wine tetra pack1l, 200ml, wine bag in box 2l, 3l, 5l wine in bulk etc.. SELLIN CONDITIONS To purchase from EXPORT GOTUR SL. we need a purchase order (PO) signed by buyer including company, V.A.T. number, phone number, fax, address, purchase price, total purchase price and product specifications. PO must be send to Fax Number: +34 975 230068 After receiving the PO the buyer will receive a Proforma Invoice (PI). The PI will include payment instructions, product details, agreed purchase conditions and the above-mentioned details of buyer PO. wines etc. BUYING CONDITIONS After receiving our PO seller will issue a Proforma Invoice including all details about the products offered and the agreed purchase conditions in detail. PAYMENT TERMS Payment will be made 100% by: -Telex Transfer (TT) -SWIFT Transfer -Irrevocable Letter of Credit at Sight. To hold stock a 10% to 50% deposit will be requested from our buyers. PRICES All prices are Ex Warehouse if nothing else is stated. For CIF delivery conditions freight costs to delivery place will be added to selling price. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 14:10 |