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Business category 1 Cast & Forged
City ( of main office ) Lecco, IT, Italy
Phones 39-329-3255846
Fax 39
Web site imexagents.com
About IMEXAGENTS is a team of freelance professionals specialised in Foreign Trade and International Relations, who act together to connect and develop various business opportunities all over the World. We provide unlimited consultancy service to manufacturing companies that aim at marketing their products in overseas countries and allow the SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) that intend to perform business through import to access the most proper and reliable supplier.

Our mission is to find the perfect business match for Your need and create favourable conditions for its development. We have rich experience in providing qualified services related to import-export partnerships; overseas market researches; identification of potential buyers/vendors; international contracts; customs, taxes and currency rules; market statistics; EU standards; foreign laws etc.

IMEXAGENTS professionals are located mainly all over Europe, having a monitoring and coordinating headquarter in Italy.

Business communication with our partners is performed at highest level, as our team is multilingual and carries out the correspondence in English, French, Italian, Russian, Romanian. Multicultural awareness we have allows us to interact much easier with the global diversities met while processing our services.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10