Business category 1 Plastic Products
City ( of main office ) Kufstein, AT, Austria
Address Suedtirolerplatz 12
Phones 43-5372-72261
Web site www.ikra.at
About The company Ikra has been working as a successful industrial agency since 2004.

In this sense we act as an outsourced purchasing department rather than a traditional commercial agency.

Based on our concept and success we are happy to present a farsighted enterprise on these pages.

The basis of our success are detailed market know-how as well as economic and political relations of our management.

The foundation was laid by contacts with wholesalers and partners from the industry as well as co-operations that have been growing and extended over the years. This success is supplemented by competent employees worldwide, letting the company Ikra grow into an international enterprise.

Currently customers like Freudenberg Germany, Freudenberg Austria, further industrial concerns as well as renowned pharmaceutical concerns trust Ikras quality and know-how.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10