ICI Group
Business category 1 | Petrochemical Products |
City ( of main office ) | New Delhi, IN, India |
Address | 501, Siddarth Building, Nehru Place |
Phones | 91-11-41024367 |
Fax | 91-11-41024367 |
About | PETROLEUM ICI Group, offers petroleum products, Base oil all grades, processing Base oil in ICI Group name, maufacturing collaborator in the field of Paraffin wax, white oil, Vascelene, White petroleum Jellies etc-trading for refinery products RPO <slack wax etc, Bituman all grades Diesel LPG CNG LNG Gases, Crude, Fuel oil etc MINING PRODUCTS The co is also offering raw materials ferrous and nonferrous, all grade from its own contracted mines in Brazil, Iran, Thailand and Indonesa, viz Iron Ore, Chrome ore Magnese Ore, Nickle Ore, etc from various fruitile nations; STONES The company developed various products in Marble, Granites, has developed its collaborators office in New Zealand. We can offer best granite slabs tiles and all crafted products for modern age people AGRICULTURE The company is associted in manufacturing of Sugar also importing sugar from Brazil etc, also introducing modern fertilizers seed etc--also exporting rice etc food products. MISCELLANEUS An aviation company with the name of Marks Aviation was developed to fly in international destinations, also, have Enginering and other institutions fot benifit of the people We also offer iron ore, steel scrap, food products, rice etc. We also offer marble Handicraft Horn and Bone products, Horn Button, Bone button own production unit in U. P (Sambal) |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |