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Business category 1 Flow Measuring Instruments
City ( of main office ) Vadodara, IN, India
Address J12, Natasha Park# 1,
Phones 91-265-2762297
Fax 91
Web site www.HydroxyGarage.com
About HydroxyGarage. com is dedicated to research and development of clean energy solutions. We are focused on developing solutions for generating Hydrogen and Oxygen (also called Brown Gas, Hydroxy and HHO) from water using advanced electrolysis technology. We have background in Physics and Electronics and over 18 years into industry. After about 12 months into research, development and prototyping, which we enjoyed a lot, we have developed some products which are being presented to fellow researchers, engineers, hobbyist, entrepreneurs and all those concerned with the environment and energy crisis. We have supplied these products worldwide and now presenting a wide range of PWMs, HHO Cell and Accessories to the researchers and entrepreneurs to develop application by integrating them into an ICE engine like car, truck, boat, etc. . .

Date 2011 Oct 29, 00:10