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Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Nanjing, CN, China
Address PU Kou district Nanjing China
Phones 86-25-58852689
Fax 86-25-5885688
Web site www.hongrui-med.com
About The main products are human body stents, introducers, Endoscope accessories ,and other surgical appliance and some other medical disposable products which greatly reduce the ailment of the patients and bring the convenience with less risk for the physicians. The management of company has been audited with the conformity of ISO9000 and its products have gained the approvals in China and CE for the European markets.
Since its establishment, a nationwide sales and service network has come into being, by which its products have been being applied in some thousand large and middle-sized hospitals and they are also widely recognized by many experts.
As an enterprise always regarding the physicians as its masters and patients as its friends, it will highly appreciate the support and the cooperation from all circles over the world.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10