Herbalite c/o Rattan DawaKhana
Business category 1 | PA |
City ( of main office ) | Delhi, IN, India |
Address | Ramesh Nagar |
Phones | 91-11-9899115454 |
Fax | 91 |
About | Herbalite is a company based in New Delhi, India and deals with the preperation of herbal medicines for vaious ailments. The company also deals in retail as well as the bulk supply of inhouse manufactured herbal medicines. Herbalite is a subsidary of Rattan DawaKhana an ancient herbal based medicine shop producing the medicines of almost all the ailments related to human body using natural techniques making use of plethora of herbs known to few veds (aryuvedic doctors) handing over the legacy to the new generation. Rattan DawaKhana with a subsidary company Herbalite aims at making there end product been available and to reachout the whole world. So that not only people of India but outside world are also benifited from the herbal medicines which does'nt cause any side affect. Dava Khaana the umbrella company as know to the locals in India is famous not only among commoners but also among high profile people of India which also include ministers as well. Rattan Dawakhana produces all the medicines using ancestrol herbal formulae passed on to this generation by previous generations. The company itself has won umpteen accolades for their services towards commoners in providing the medicines at subsidised rates. Herbalite a subsidary company / sub-group of Rattan Dawakhana focous on export of medicines and is already in talks with the few big players in the ASIA sub-continent for export of these medicines and looking for further growing business oppurtunties in other part of the world as well. Disclaimer : Herbalite being a subsidary / sub-group of Rattan Dawakhana is soley invovled in export of herbal medicines manufactured in particular by Rattan Dawakhana. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |