Havila Mining Ltd
Business category 1 | Ore |
City ( of main office ) | Stoughton, US, United States |
Address | 88 Copperwood Drive |
Phones | 1-243-998825931 |
Fax | 1-781-341-9537 |
About | Havila Mining Ltd is currently seeking investors with interest in minerals in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Havila mining has more than 15 years of experience in the mining sectored with a particular emphasis on professional approach, experienced management and mostly products quality. We believe that Havila Mining has the potential to become a regional force. As you may know most of the companies in the Democratic Republic of Congo that are dealing with, coltan, Cassiterite, wolframite, are pre-financed by International companies and in the case of the CPGL Countries (Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi) it is dominated by European. These European companies have worked on mechanisms that allow them to follow the process from purchase, weighing, sampling, assaying, up to exportation through their local agents. Basically in order to succeed Havila Mining and his potential partners will need to do the same. Our suggestion will be for potential partners to consider opening a company in the DR Congo (Eastern part), then we will be able to follow all the process from purchase to export and you will be able to export important quantities. What quantity a new company can produce? Cassiterite 2000 MT 1st year 55% Sn minimum Tantalite 200 MT 1st year 15% Ta 2O5 minimum Wolframite 1000 MT 1st year 55% W. In case you are interested, we will be more than glad to create a partnership with you. Our expertise 1997 local transaction in tantalite I sold 35 tons of tantalite to different companies. 2001-2003 director of Eagle Wings Congo ltd a subsidiary of Trinitech International based in Ohio USA, we exported 600 MT of tantalite 2004-2005 director of Clanab, a company pre-financed by Trademet a Belgian company based in Brussels , we exported 2340 MT of cassiterite and 125 MT of tantalite. 2006-2007 Involved in mineral transaction locally (cassiterite,tantalite,wolframite), among my buyers Eurotrade a British-South African-Rwandese company. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 00:10 |