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Hastings foundations |Limited

Business category 1 Wood Crafts
City ( of main office ) Port Macquarie, AU, Australia
Address 39 Jindalee Road,
Phones 61-02-65810939
Fax 61-02-65810169
Web site www.willingandable.org.au
About We are a supported employment service for people with intellectual disabilities located in Australia.

We have five divisions:

Woodwork: manufacture and sell surveyors pegs, tomato stakes.

Laundrette: providing range of laundry services including ironing.

Op Shop selling huge range of second hand goods.

Grounds Maintenance: offering professional domestic and commercial mowing.

Each division employs 5 people with intellectual disabilities and a supervisor.

We are at present endeavouring to start a business to benefit people with disabilites and the environment, recyling redundant computers. Dismantling the towers and selling the waste streams, eg. Metal, plastic, mother boards, disc drives, memory cards, aluminium, ic chips, keyboards, mice, speakers, printers, used ink cartridges and are looking for business here in australlia and also overseas to buy these recylced component.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10