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Gynamed Instruments

Business category 1 Surgical Instruments
City ( of main office ) Siālkot, PK, Pakistan
Address Sialkot Industry Estate, Shahab Road
Phones 0092-52-3556286
Fax 0092-52-3560687
Web site www.gynamed.com
About Gynamed instruments was established in 1986. Mr. Amjad iqbal after came back from abroad, invested for his own business. At time of its inauguration, it wasn't strong enough financially. In start mr. Amjad start with a small plate form to enter in the surgical market. The start he took by the supply of the local surgical instruments export companies, which didn't manufacture personally instead to pick from manufacturers, label the name and export.

In earlier 90s, mr. Mukhtar ahmed joined the hand of mr. Amjad iqbal. Mr. Muktar was not only family member but also right to say the right hand of mr. Amjad iqbal. Mr. Muktar control the admin section of the company and mr. Amjad control the manufacturing. Because of the entrance of the mr. Mukhtar, the company in the real sense grown. They started export to german and lots of European countries. No doubt, it was the golden time of gynamed. Company was on the take of position.

But 1992 all of a sudden its position struck the ground with the now time, it is just because of mr. Mukhtar, he was caught by hepatitis and wasn't contribute his effort more to company. He was the only who really struggled hard to seen this company on the place where it should be.

After his death, mr amjad couldn't continued export because company was came down once again on its stage where its was at the time of its establishment. Mr. Amjad one again struggled hard to left him self from the bad time and succeed, he again started supplied his effort to local export companies. Yet now he deals with the top leading companies.

Now after gynamed one again in bit good position but still it is not when it was at the start of 90s. In middle of 2004, mr. Waqas ahmed s / o mr. Amjad iqbal joined the company and explores the whole procedure; even he continued his studies still with the job in the company.

In start of 2005, he again comes up with the mind to supply the experience of this field and effort to the external world instead the local. Gynamed now recently working on its new construction project which would complete in the middle of august. This new plant defiantly increases the productivity of the company and helps to be taken a strong stand in the international market. Now mr. Waqas ahmed is controlling the export and admin section and mr. Amjad iqbal controlling the main office and manufacturing and inspection.

It is says, if there is will there is way. After facing a great period of hurdles and struggles inshallah a time come when gynamed would be among the line of the leader of this business.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10