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Guangzhou CVR Pro-Audio Factory

Business category 1 Amplifier
City ( of main office ) Guangzhou, CN, China
Address NO.11,Qunxing Street,Fuchong Village,Shawan,Panyu
Phones 0086-20-34833282
Fax 0086-20-34833281
Web site www.cvr-audio.com
About Guangzhou CVR Pro Audio Factory is an OEM & ODM manufacturer specialized in producing professional audio equipment. Boasting talented professional employees and leading technology. CVR has grown enough to offer a complete professional audio line including a wide variety of line array systems. pro-loudspeakers. subwoofers, monitor speakers. power amplifiers and processors.

With our 3.000 square meters plant located in Panyu District Guangzhou City China and workforce of trained professionals. under strict product quality assurance ad control. we have the aptitude to manufacture 6.000 items every month. Each CVR product is the result of the continuously endeavor by our R&Ds team works. and is created by our highly skilled craftsmen through elaborate computer aided design. careful selection of the finest materials. intricate machine and hand tooled fabrication and meticulous quality inspection. Since CVR Pro Audio was created. we have dedicated time and great efforts to manufacture high quality products at very accessible cost in order to satisfy the most demanding professional audio users.

We maintain our philosophy leading us to develop our existing products and create new ones together with our distribution network and CVR Pro Audio consumers. CVRs systems have been successfully employed in a large number of complex loudspeaker projects, have gained critical acclaim and a stellar reputation. due to top engineering. outstanding performance. stability and reliability. Our products have been far sales to over 30 countries abroad, enjoying high reputations and popularities

Let your ears be the judge! CVR will go ahead with YOU. for a better and brighter future!

Brand Promises

CVR is the brand we set for global market. carrying great responsibility to satisfy our customers in every possible aspect as promised. The heart and soul of CVR has to be our attempt to leverage our qualities against the best in the world. By understanding global demands and experiencing customers desire in superior product quality. CVR devotes to exploring and experiencing to consistently produce quality items. As the leader in pro audio manufacturing in China. CVR is destined to be prevailed.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10