Gravity Networks Pty. Ltd.
Business category 1 | Other Business Services |
City ( of main office ) | Canberra, AU, Australia |
Address | PO Box 548 |
Phones | 61-3-8500-3687 |
Fax | 61-3-9593-2517 |
Web site | |
About | It/computer services organisation for small to medium enterprises. Memeber of franchise organisation spanning 14 countries('computertroubleshooters') Why is the service needed? Business owners and home office users can't afford the hassle and loss of productivity associated with bringing a computer to a repair centre. That is why hundreds of business owners and small office users turn to computer troubleshooters every day to handle their computer service needs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But computer troubleshooters does more. Our goal is to work with our customers to offer recommendations and design solutions that improve their business. We offer specific services to suit each customer - from individual staff training, data back up, fixed service contracts for preventative maintenance through to assistance with day to day operation of their computer system. What is unique about computer troubleshooters? The computer troubleshooters approach is very different from most other computer service companies. Our franchisees provide a high level of friendly, personalised service. We are located close to our customers which means that we can respond quickly and cost effectively help to meet their needs. Security for our customers Our integrated national network of franchisees means that our customers aren't dependant on just one person. The total franchise team of technical experts with a wide range of skills and abilities backs up each operator so we can handle practically any situation in many locations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Competitive pricing Computer troubleshooters franchisees operate with low operating costs which means that our services are less expensive than many other comparable computer service companies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality service Computer troubleshooters prides itself on being one of the few international companies(perhapsthe only international company) that focuses on computer service, support, and training rather than the supply of hardware and/or software. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Independent We are independent of any hardware or software supplier and this allows us to work with and for our customers. World leaders Currently there are over 200 computer troubleshooters franchises, located across the USA, canada, mexico and in the united kingdom, australia, new zealand, singapore, hong kong, portugal, south africa, the domincian republic and kuwait. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 09:10 |