Business category 1 | Active Components |
City ( of main office ) | Mülheim an der Ruhr, DE, Germany |
Address | Heinrich-Lemberg-Street 7 |
Phones | 49-208-3213652 |
Fax | 49-69-15395249924 |
About | Our company is located in the centre of the Ruhr area, the formerly most important industrial location of Germany. But still some advantages of those earlier times are still present. One example for this is the flawless infrastructure with all a company might wish for. This is one of the reasons our company is located in Muelheim. The history of the company goes back to 1999. In 1999 we started to build up business relations to Turkey and provided several small electronic stores in the suburbs of Istanbul with lowpriced goods of the electronic sector. These goods included CD-Players, headphones, audio accessories and other nice gadgets. We are proud of the fact that these relationships even improved and got stronger through the years. We even managed to broaden our productline and interest some other stores in our imported products. At this point, it is important to mention that we do not actually produce the goods but look for reliable suppliers preferably from the Far East, which can usually offer the items at a reasonable price. In addition to that, we are planning on opening our own electronic store in Turkey. Due to the large amounts of experience and information we gathered about the Turkish market, it seems to be a wise decision. Later, there might even be a chance of moving on to the German market, which also keeps an interesting touch but seems to be more challenging. The most recent step on our ladder of success is the change in the company name. Gooroo is believed to actually be internationally competitive and act as a door opener to foreign business relations. As a company we are always interested in lowering the costs and we think that we can achieve this with Alibaba. Com. An employee told me about this new opportunity of reaching better suppliers for electronics. So let the business be good! |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 11:10 |