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Gold Winery Limited Partnership

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Bangkok, TH, Thailand
Address 146 / 3 Moo. 11 Saroi sub-district
Phones 66-08-7037637
Fax 66-054-658540
Web site www.goldwinery.com
About ThaiPower is a global exporter company founded in BangkokThaialnd .We run and work our business professionally.
The company is committed to the development marketing and distribution Thai products to worldwide.
All exporting products meet global market demands in terms of quality price availability and after sales service.

As a exporter ThaiPower offers a wine products which manufacture in Thailand.
We know that you will be extremely satisfied with our line of products and the service we provide to our customers.
You can rest assured that we will strive to provide you with the fastest most efficient service along with the highest quality products available.
ThaiPower Mission
ThaiPower is committed to being the world best exporter of innovative and professional.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10