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Globalinfotech Trading Ltd.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Yao, JP, Japan
Address 1192-35 Oaza Okubo
Phones 81-0729-40-2015
Fax 81-0729-40-2015
Web site www.usedcar-jp.com
About <<About me>>

After graduation University, I worked as a stock broker in Brokerage Firm.

After quitting it, I worked in Trading company.

In the trading company, I got an alliance with 2nd larger wholesaler of tools (20, 000, 000 USD sale / year) , and made webshop which treats more than 50000 tools (40, 000 USD sale / year) .

After that, I established Globalinfotech Trading to trade all kind of products in all over the world in 2008.

<<About Used Car Business>>

We are going to perticipate Japanese Auto Auction early in earey this year.

So we can export Japanese used cars at dealer price soon.

Now I can access Yahoo! Auction and export all kind of cars in it.

Website: HTTP: / / WWW. Usedcar-jp. Com

<<About Supplements and Medicine Business>>

2007 Nov: We got an alliance with wholesaler of Color Contact Lens in Korea.

2007 Dec: We got an alliance with wholesaler which distributes more than 5000 Supplements in CA USA.


We can offer you Japanese used car cheaper.

And I'm always finding wholesaler which dropship your products to Japan.

If you want to distribute your products, ask me.

I'm really friendly person.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10