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Global Traders Lib. Inc.

Business category 1 Quarry Stone & Slabs
City ( of main office ) Monrovia, LR, Liberia
Address 257 Broad Street
Phones 231-222965-222965
Fax 231-222965-222965
About Global Traders Lib Inc. Is a Liberian entity with the objectives of distributing Cement Products, Constructions, Gold/Diamonds Mining, import-export, Agent for Int. Companies, Used Cars, Distributor/Wholesaler and Real Estates. Our offices are located downtown Monrovia regrettably due to the just ended civil war there are no land line phone or fax services until things improve but our email and cell phone are in service. We are now opening our new offices in Abidjan, Cote'dIvoire West Africa for the Sale of Diamonds and Gold.
Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10