Home » printpartin » Genuine Printhead Seiko Colorpainter 64s/100s

Genuine Printhead Seiko Colorpainter 64s/100s

Type of posting Offer
Category Printing Machinery Parts
City / Port Makassar, ID, Indonesia
Price USD 325 per Unit
Address Jl. Cendrawasih No.329A, Kunjung Mae, Kec. Mariso, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Description Genuine Printhead Seiko Colorpainter 64s/100s

This is the Konica Minolta KM512 MN print head, it is a robust, shear mode, piezo on-demand print head that is usable in both binary and 4 level greyscale mode, providing variable drop size and higher print quality without the use of additional print heads.

The Konica Minolta KM512 MN print head has 512 nozzles with a droplet size of 14 pico litre and a native resolution of 360 dpi. It is compatible with oil based, solvent and UV inks. This print head is also known as the Konica Minolta KM512 MNX. This is Konica original print head and it includes the Head ID and the necessary waveform information.


Compatible manufacturers: seiko

Nozzle Number: 512

Remark: Original

Sizes: 110*100*60(mm3)

Suitable for printers:Seiko ColorPainter 100s,Seiko ColorPainter 64s

Volume weight: 0.15

Weight: 0.3lb (0.15kg)

Printer compatibility:

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Date 2021 May 10, 06:05