Business category 1 Fiber
City ( of main office ) Viedma, AR, Argentina
Address Belgrano 544
Phones 54-2920-420326
Fax 54-2920-420326
About Guanacos Argentina, is a trading company that specializes in the marketing of natural fibers from animals fit for the manufacture of textiles and clothing luxury, especially popular for being light, soft, warm and very comfortable.

Guanaco fiber is the second best animal fiber in terms of quality textiles, only surpassed by the quality of vicugna fiber.

Fiber is legally marketed in international markets with the express permission of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

The fiber is sold with all national and international permits (CITES). It originated in the capture and live shearing of wild guanacos, as stated in the National Plan for the Conservation and Management of Guanacos in Argentina.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 15:10