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G.T.S. - Global Trade Services LLC

Business category 1 Quarry Stone & Slabs
City ( of main office ) Roma, IT, Italy
Address C / O Geimar-Via Xxv Aprile, 8
Phones 0039-333-4849498
Fax 0039-02-700429374
Web site www.giovanetto.it/eng_main.htm
About We represent highly professional Companies specialized in supplying and processing every type of granite, marble and ceramics. We can fully satisfy all customer requests with speed and efficiency, guaranteeing prices and quality suitable for all purposes. We entrust the sale of end products, the acquisition and the work processing to some experts that manage each working phase. We also relies on external workshops for the processing of the material, the development of executive projects and for the most modern technics of application and laying of marbles, granites and ceramics.

Our represented GEIMAR possesses a quarry for the exclusive production of "Diorite" a particularly resistant, handsome and strong type of ornamental granite.

Our represented can execute:

Marble, granite and ceramics work for large buildings-Complete internal and external facings-Specific commissions from individual customers, all carried out with the maximum precision and attention.

All materials are 100% Italian and have origin certification.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 23:10