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Business category 1 Fashion Bags
City ( of main office ) Calolziocorte, IT, Italy
Address Via Gerola, 1
Phones 39-0341-631048
Fax 39-035-787716
About The estate of a company competes with its owned skill and
Knowledge thanks to its human resources.

Our staff boasts technicians with a high level of experience
Reached during a lot of years dedicated to design, production
And technical service on presses and complete squeezing lines.

The technical Department is structured with advanced and
Modern technologies for each mechanical part 3D design. Since
The first project phase it looks for the best quality and
Reliability in accordance with the own company philosophy.

GSR applied on the new press the best technologies tried during
The years. Our aim "the reliability" of the single components.
The result: Our Customers' satisfaction, confirm that GSR reached
Its aim.

The agreements with different mechanical workshops, each of
Them specialised in particular processing and certified with the
Best quality brands, guarantee a very high standard of quality
And conformity.

This new model of structuring a company assures technical
Assistance to Customers, flexibility and powerful in the production,
A minor management cost and so a better relationship between
Quality and price.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10