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G & O Power Correction Systems Ltd

Business category 1 Sportswear
City ( of main office ) Melbourne, AU, Australia
Address 628 Springvale Road, Mulgrave
Phones 61-03-95663396
Fax 61
About Today's automated facility relies heavily on electronic systems, which dramatically increase harmonic noise on the line side of the power distribution plant. While the fundamental current levels may be within specification, the harmonics can add the same amount of current as the fundamental. Unmitigated, these harmonics are demons of heat, trips, lockups and poor power factor. Passive solutions will correct one problem but add another. If the load condition varies, passive systems can actually cause resonances that can accelerate failure.
Plant managers and COO's are facing an ever-increasing level of mysterious electrical problems. Overheated neutrals, hot circuit breakers, unexpected breaker tripping, dangerously hot transformers, unexplainable equipment malfunctions, spurious system lockup, and more are now common problems in many facilities. These problems can cause financial losses through added maintenance cost, staff downtime and interrupted production. Utility deregulation is changing metering techniques, which now measures KVAR instead of watts. The new meters are more accurately measuring true power factor and penalties are being assessed for insufficient levels
Active Harmonic Power Correction Filters sense the critical portions of "dirty" power and injects a correcting element to clean the power. By truly canceling the harmonic component, the true fundamental becomes the only component that is reflected back to the line. A clean solution
Services for energy efficiency are applied to industrial, commercial, data centers and institutional facilities using the whole buildings approach. Each of the following systems usually experiences unnecessary loss of energy:

A)The cables and transformers supplying power to electrical systems with the following components: (a) lighting systems (due to the ballasts), (b)computers, peripherals, copiers, printers, faxes, (c) rectifiers for chemical, metal, food processing, (d) motors and variable speed drives in HVAC and production equipment, (e) automation systems, and (f) other production, processing, and environmental equipment

B)motors supplying power to pumps in pneumatic and hydraulic systems where leaks exist.

C)Cooling or heating or processing fluids - this could be enhanced through cogeneration or geothermal systems

The energy loss can be identified using scientifically sound principles. Energy cost reductions can be developed by applying particular techniques and products for each type of process or load. Simple payback (SP), Return on Investment (ROI), or Life Cycle Costing (LCC) can then be used to evaluate the financial viability for the client to optimize the trade-off of first cost and avoided costs. The energy considered could be electrical or thermal, and other utilities such as water and sewer can also be ascertained, especially since they are all out of pocket charges.

The approach, solutions, and procedures we have developed can provide for not only a reduction in current operating costs, but also a reduction in downtime, reduction in maintenance, and reduction in lost work in the case of industrial processes. They can also provide an increase in facility reliability/uptime. Generally, a return on investment of 1 - 2 years can be expected for industrial facilities such as factories; and 2 - 3 years for commercial/institutional buildings. Energy cost savings, accumulated from implementation of a variety of measures, can occur in the range of 8%-25%.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 10:10