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Fruchthof Ueberetsch soc.agr.coop.

Business category 1 PA
City ( of main office ) Roma, IT, Italy
Address Via Bolzano, 69
Phones 39-0471-630111
Fax 39-0471-630112
Web site www.vog.it/vog/genossenschaften/fruchthof-ueberetsch-genossenschaft.23.html
About Fruchthof Ueberetsch Genossenschaft was founded in 1975 and it has been a member of the VOG since 1998. It has 480 members who cultivate a total of 721. 11 hectares. In 2007 they supplied 38. 784. 171 KG of fruit.

Our company has a very groundbraking production system: high technology such as a high-bay storage with more than 6. 000 bins capacity, laser guided vehicles and palletising robots allow us to produce in short terms and to delivery a constant quality of the product.

Date 2011 Oct 28, 22:10