Business category 1 | Education & Training |
City ( of main office ) | Chennai, IN, India |
Address | 230 Thambu Chetty St |
Phones | 91-44-25219602 |
Fax | 91-44-25219602 |
About | We have selected/recruited over 80,000 personnel from the Indian subcontinent for opportunities in over 25 countries. FNC is an industry leading Human Resources Agency, providing Recruitment and Management services for corporations with Human Resource requirements from the Indian subcontinent. We specialize in providing personnel for Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Civil, Marine, Mechanical and Electrical construction sites. Beyond these industry areas, we also provide personnel for Hospitality and IT (Hardware/Software) verticals. Our client base spans the globe and includes companies from USA, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, UK, Sudan, Cameroon, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Lebanon and Japan. |
Date | 2011 Oct 29, 08:10 |