Business category 1 Sugar
City ( of main office ) Porto Alegre, BR, Brazil
Address Av Assis Brasil 3257
Phones 55-51-84184039
Web site www.fisinternational.com
About We are a Brazilian company specialized in all kinds of international business and negociations, we have a structure that allow us to provide the best solutions to our clients and providors, offering them the best alternatives, services, products and inputs that they requiere.
We operate with the whole import and export processes, since the manufacture of all the documents, till the international negociation and transactions. We are an international platfom of business that conects companies and people all over the world to help them out to find the best solutions for their business.
If you want to make your company profitable, finding the most competitive and high quality products that the world has to offer, please contact us, don't hesitate.
Best Regards,
Raphael Rique
Date 2011 Oct 28, 21:10