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F. Pache Industrial y Comercial S.A.

Business category 1 Chocolate
City ( of main office ) Montevideo, UY, Uruguay
Address Parque Industrial Zona Este
Phones 598-2-6838714
Fax 598-2-6838714
Web site fpache.byethost31.com
About After 75 years of family tradition in the manufacturing of cacao, coffee, yerba mate and sugar based products for the family consumption, F. Pache S. A. is formed; a vigorous enterprise that maintains its prestigious product line, focusing them to the industrial production sector.
Since 1986, under the leadership of its CEO, Fernando J. Pache, the company supplies the market with raw material and cacao derivatives, sugar, coffee and yerba mate.
With a 7 million dollar annual turnover and a 22 employee staff, F. Pache S. A. has many commercial offices that are born from the industrial headquarters located in Uruguay for expanding its business to the MERCOSUR, taking in countries like Argentina, Brazil and Chile as well as Panama.
The Business vision and the actual working style, joined with an important effort of initiative, has allowed a constant growth rate since its foundation, reaching a clear leadership position for the last 6 years with more than 50% local market share.
With a 25% percentage of the MERCOSUR turnover, F. Pache S. A. continues growing, undertaking new ideas for its projection into international grounds.
Date 2011 Oct 29, 09:10